In Prep.
In Review.
Walker, E. J., A. Phillips, L. Mullineaux, B. Gilbert, & M. Neubert (In Prep) Impacts of habitat impermanence on metapopulation persistence and size.
Gong, A., E. J. Walker & B. Gilbert. (In Review) Allee effects, colonization, and extinction: the surprising benefits of demographic stochasticity. The American Naturalist. 34 pages.
In Review.
Walker, E. J. & B. Gilbert (In Review) Allee effects and Coexistence. The American Naturalist. 26 pages.
E. J. Walker & Gilbert, B. Extinction Dynamics: the interplay of species traits and the spatial scales of metapopulation declines. Ecology. 32 pages. ECY21-0494
Acheampong, S., W. B. Strong, M.D. Schwartz, R. J. Higgins, M. A. Thurston, E. J. Walker, J. Roberts. 2016. First Canadian records of two invasive seed-feeding bugs, Arocatus melanocephalus (Fabricious, 1798) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) and Raglius alboacuminatus (Goeze, 1778) (Hamiptera: Heteroptera). Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia. 113:74-78
Lertzman-Lepofsky, G., E. J. Walker, & J. Facey. 2015. Crab Wars: testing the Ideal Free Distribution with invasive Carcinus maenas and native Hemigrapsus nudus. Simon Fraser Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ). 1:1-14